Welcome Home All!!
We're glad you made it back in one piece and hope you grew closer to Heavenly Father through this youth conference. It wasn't easy, it wasn't always very clean, but thankfully the food was pretty good. Sometimes it was funny and sometimes there were tears, but you made it and that's something amazing. Great job, we're proud of you all.
We missed you and hope you had a fabulous experience on trek.

Also, for all those who made trek possible whether you were in the thick of the action or behind the scenes, thank you so much for all of your work.
Thanks for the families who prayed for trekkers and for leaders who encouraged youth to take a chance on trek. Thanks for parents who purchased and packed needed items and for Ma's and Pa's who took time out of their busy lives to parent other people's children along the trails. Thanks for those who planned and prepared activities and for those that smiled and helped a good attitude shine even when things were tough. Thanks for those who cooked...we loooove those who cooked. Thanks for youth who jumped in when help was needed and who cheered each other on day after day, mile after mile.
What a miraculous thing to see an entire stake come together person by person to weave an amazing event that will long be remembered with smiles (and maybe a tear or two, but hopefully the happy kind).
Without your efforts, trek would not have been the experience that it was. We love you all and we're grateful for all that you did to make it possible.